11-А класс

11 form.


The/The Comparatives

Comparison and contrast are expressed by the use of the…the… with comparative adjectives in parallel clauses. This structure is used to show proportionate increase or decrease.
Structure: the + comparative adjective + clause + the + comparative adjective + clause
  • The more adventurous it is, the more I like it. (NOT The more it is adventurous, the more I like it.)
  • The less I see him the more I like him.
  • The more he reads, the less he understands.
  • The older we grow, the wiser we become.
  • The higher you climb, the colder it gets.
  • The richer one grows, the greater one’s worries.
  • The less you spend, the more you save.
  • The sooner they go, the better it is.
A short form of this structure is used in the expressions ‘the more the merrier’ and ‘…the better’.

  • ‘How do you like your coffee?’ ‘The stronger the better.’
  • ‘When should I start?’ ‘The earlier the better.’
Ex. 1.   Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words.

1. The more I see the serial, __ interesting it becomes.
2. The older we get, __ fewer friends we have.
3. The more you work, __ boring you become.
4. The more mistakes you make, __ better you learn.
5. The more I spend time with my family, __ I earn.
6. The better she knows me, __ she dislikes me.
7. The higher the level, __ difficult it is to pass the exam.
8. The faster you drive, __ petrol you burn.
9. The more you study, __ time you have for friends.
10. __ I want, the more unhappy I am.

Ex. 2. For each sentence, choose the correction combination of comparatives to make a sentence.

1. The ____ you study for these exams, the ____ you will do.
    hard - better
    harder - more successfully
    much - better
    more - good
2. She doesn't really like vodka, so the ____ a bottle you find, the ____ it will be for us!
    small - cheaper
    smaller - cheap
    smaller - good
    smaller - cheaper
3. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that the ____ it is at night, the ____ he plays his music!
    later - more loud
    late - louder
    later - louder
    more late - loud
4. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. The ____ the food is, the ____ he likes it.
    hotter - more
    hot - much
    hotter - much
    hot - more
5. Of course you can come to the party! The ____ the ____.
    more - merrier
    more - good
    many - better
6. She will be really angry about that vase being broken! The ____ she knows about it, the ____.
    more - better
    less - better
    worse - worse
    worse - better
7. He has 6 large dogs to protect his house. The ____ the dog, the ____ he feels.
    big - safer
    biger - safer
    bigger - safer
    more big - more safe
8. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. The ____ he becomes, the ____ he is.
    more rich - happyer
    richer - happyer
    richer - happier
9. You must drive slower in built up areas. The ____ you drive in the city, the ____ it is that you will have an accident.
    faster - probable
    quicker - probably
    faster - more probably
    quicker - more probable

Ex. 3.
Choose the correct forms to complete the following the… the… comparatives.
1The  you have, the more you want.
2 you are, the fewer cardiovascular problems you will have.
3, the more accurate my answers are.
4The more admired a person is,  he or she becomes.
5A: 'Do you like strong coffee?'   B: 'Yes, I do. .
6, the more productive you will be.
7 you consume, the more exercise you need to do to burn them.
8The more time parents can spent with their children,  have in adulthood.
9I want to buy a big TV. The , the better.
10, the less the vaccine will hurt.

Ex. 4.
Rewrite the sentences using the… the… comparatives.
  Example: If we start soon, we’ll finish soon. The sooner we start, the sooner we’ll finish.  
1The food I like best is spicy food.
 the food,  I like it.
2I like the lessons more if there are few students.
 students,  I like the lessons.
3If I read a lot, I learn a lot.
 I read, .
4If I speak good English, I’ll have more opportunities.
 I speak,  opportunities I'll have.
5If I walk for a long time, I can get further.
 I walk,  I can get.
6Older people become wiser.
  people are, .
7If you save more money, you can buy a new car soon.
 you save,  you can buy a car.
8If you give a lot you will receive more.
 you will receive.
9If I work a lot, I have no time.
 I work,  I have.
10If there’s a lot of unemployment, the situation gets worse.
 there is,  gets.

13.04. 2020 (2 урока) (Занятия проводятся онлайн на платформе ZOOM)

Модуль 4. Advertising. Online testing.
Поготовка к ZNO. (дополнительный материал)

Ex. 1. Read the text and choose the right options.

Ex. 2. Grammar and Vocabulary. Choose the right option.

15.04. 2020 (Занятия проводятся онлайн на платформе ZOOM)

Модуль 5. Well- being. Health. Vocabulary / Listening
Sb p. 45 ex.3 (выучить слова)

16.04. 2020 (Занятия проводятся онлайн на платформе ZOOM)

Модуль 5. Well- being. Health Vocabulary/Speaking (тренировочные упражнения)
Sb p. 45 ex.3 (выучить слова)
Wb p. 47 ex. 1-4

17.04. 2020 (Занятия проводятся онлайн на платформе ZOOM)

Модуль 5. Well- being. Health. Reading/Compounds (тренировочные упражнения)
Sb p. 46-47 ex.1-6 (читать текст, учить слова)

Wb p. 47 ex. 1-4


A binomial pair is an expression containing two words joined by a conjunction
 (usually ‘and’ or ‘or’).
Examples include here and thereback and forthneat and tidy, and loud and clear.

Here are some of the most common binomials, split into five categories:
1.     Binomial pairs joined by and
2.     Binomial pairs joined by or
3.     Binomial pairs with alliteration
4.     Rhyming binomial pairs
5.     Binomial pairs joined by other words.

In our course book some of the word pairs suggested. Here they are:

1.     More and more – an increasing number of - все больше и больше
2.     By and large – generally, on the whole – в целом, в общем
3.     Bit by bit – gradually - постепенно
4.     Sooner or later – certain to happen eventually – рано или поздно, в конечном итоге
5.     Sick and tired – very tired of - очень утомиться
6.     Far and wide – in a lot of different places - повсюду, везде
7.     Now and then – occasionally, sometimes – время от времени, иногда
8.     Once and for all – finally – раз и навсегда
9.     Pick and choose select – тщательно выбирать, привередничать
10. Face to face – in front of each other, personally – друг перед другом, лично.

1.     I’m sick and tired of our neighbours making such a noise – I’m gonna call the police.
2.     Not all the food in that restaurant is fantastic, but by and large it’s very good.
3.     People travel from far and wide to see the birthplaces of the Beatles.
4.     We’re all going to die sooner or later.
5.     If you lie, people will find you out sooner or later.
6.     News of their heroic deeds spread far and wide.
7.     More and more young men are working to promote the organization’s message.
8.     Some people pick and choose to get something perfect, some just because they can’t make up their minds.
9.     Bit by bit, we will change this world.
10.  If we act fast, we can once and for all prevent wild animals in Britain from suffering terrible cruelty.
11. It's difficult to see now and then in a sentence.
12. He wanted to talk to these people face to face and personally,

Practice:   Choose the correct answer in each sentence:
Начало формы

1.  I’m sick and  of our neighbours making such a noise – I’m going to call the police. 
2. The bosses of the advertising agency always wine and  their top clients. 
3. You don’t have to shout – I can hear you loud and  . 
4. People travel from far and  to visit Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley. 
5. The songs he writes are always short and  , not long and boring. 
6. I walked up and  the street for half an hour looking for their house. I found out later that I had the wrong address. 
7.There aren't many great restaurants in this city, but you can find good ones here and  . 


Which sentence is correct?

My family has dinner together every Sunday.
My family have dinner every day.

Actually, both! But why?

There are some words that can be both singular and plural at the same time. For example, family. A family = 1 family, one social unit. At the same time, a family has more than one person, so it’s plural, it has several members.
Such nouns are called collective nouns. They collect several members into a group.

So how can we understand whether a collective noun should be plural or singular? Here’s how:
If the group acts together in unison = then it acts as ONE. All members do the same thing at the same time. So we use a singular verb, singular pronouns.
If each member does something different = then the group consists of individual members who are all doing different things, so we should use a plural verb, a plural pronoun.
A collective noun is SINGULAR if it acts as a unit.
A collective noun is PLURAL if the members act as individuals.


The audience claps when the show is over. (all members of the audience clap together)
A minority of my classmates were looking for their books. (Each classmate was looking for his/her books, not for the same ones, so they were not acting as one group)
The class takes a test every Monday. (All the members in the class together, the same test, at the same time)
The team always go home after training. (Each member goes to a different house, maybe at different times)
The jury agrees that the victim is guilty. (The jury unanimously = as one = decided that the victim is guilty).
The jury are arguing. (They are not all together, they are saying different things)
This couple are living in different houses now. (Each member of this couple is living in his/her own house).
The couple is spending their honeymoon in Brazil. (together as one unit, at the same place at the same time)

Which sentences are correct grammatically? 

  • 10% of people are Muslim.
  • 10% of people is Muslim.
  • Two thirds of the room has been painted.
  • Two thirds of the room have been painted.
Fractions (дроби) and percentages are plural or singular depending on the object. So we have 10% of PEOPLE (people = object). People are plural. So 10% become plural. So the sentence “10% of people ARE Muslim” is correct.
In the last two examples, “the room” is singular. So “two thirds of the room” is also singular in this case. So we should say “2/3 of the room HAS been painted”. 

  • Our class took a field trip to the natural history museum.
  • The herd of bison ran across the prairie, leaving a massive dust cloud in its wake.
  • We waited anxiously for the jury to come to a verdict.
  • This year’s basketball team includes three players who are over six feet tall.
  • Napoleon’s army was finally defeated at Waterloo.
  • The town council has approved plans to create a new park.
  • He comes from a huge family: he’s the oldest of eleven kids.
  • The rock group has been on tour for months.
  • Everyone in the audience applauded loudly when Elvis appeared on stage.

Ex. 1. Choose the right option.

1.     Complete the sentence with the correct collective noun.
2.     There are 25 pupils in my  .
3.     The violinist, the pianist and the percussionist are all part of the  .
4.     My  has a mother, a father, a brother and a sister. As well as an uncle, an aunt and some cousins.
5.     A field hockey  has eleven players.
6.     A soprano, an alto, a tenor and a bass all sing in a  .
7.     The US  is made up of The Senate and The House of Representatives.
8.     All the members of the  clapped enthusiastically.
9.     The  consisted of three boys and two girls.

Ex. 2. Choose the right option.

1. Our audience has/ have always been the affluent urban elite.
2. The audience at the open-air stadium was /were not as large as had been expected.
3. The audience was / were enthralled by her performance.
4. Audiences throughout the world have / has been captivated by Chaplin’s films.
5. The public wants / want stringent laws to deal with terrorists.
6. The public was / were not satisfied with the relief measures taken during the floods.
7. The team was /were practicing at the stadium.
8. The team is / was leaving for Australia tomorrow.
9. A family with four children lives /live next door.
10. My family is / are going to be there.


ЗАДАНИЯ С 30.03.2020 ПО 03.04.2020


Модуль 4. S/b p. 43 Ex. 1-4
                  Advertising. Writing. The Letter of complaint.(structure, useful phrases)


Модуль 4. S/b p. 43 Ex. 1-4

                  Advertising. Sentence Builder. Emphasis (2)  ex. 5, 6
                  Grammar video  English Grammar - Inversion  (первых 3 минуты достаточно)
                  W/b p. 42 ex. 1, 2, 4 (write a letter of complaint) - письменно в тетради.

Дополнение у граматике.

Инверсия – непрямой порядок слов в предложении
Каждый, кто изучает английский, знает, что в нем огромную роль играет порядок слов. Именно порядок слов отличает типы высказываний (утверждение, отрицание и вопрос) друг от друга. Если же вы хотите выделить, акцентировать отдельный факт (отдельную часть предложения), вам нужно применить инверсию (изменить порядок слов). Иногда смысловой глагол в утверждениях занимает место перед подлежащим или присутствует вспомогательный глагол, который стоит перед подлежащим (как в вопросе). Сложность в том, что не всегда инверсию можно перевести на русский язык, потому что в русском мы привыкли выделять важное интонациями и ударениями.
Инверсию можно употреблять только с определенными конструкциями, словами и фразами.
Структура NOT ONLY … BUT ALSO.
Когда вы хотите сделать акцент на двух идеях или действиях, и в обычном предложении использовали бы союз and, то можете смело применить инверсию:

1.     Not only did I learn new words but also improved my knowledge of grammar. – Я не только выучил новые слова, но еще и улучшил знания грамматики.
2.     Not only did Kelly spill juice everywhere in the room, but she also broke her Granny’s china.
 Келли не только разлила сок по всей комнате, но и разбила фарфор ее бабушки.

Структура NO SOONER … THAN.
Структура no sooner используется чтобы сказать о том, что произошло сразу же после чего-то еще.
no sooner: «как только», или «не успел что-либо сделать, как…», с no sooner нужно использовать than.
Запомнить можно так: sooner  это сравнительная степень, а чтобы сравнить, нам нужно не when, a than.

1.     No sooner had we boarded than the baby started to cry.
 Как только мы зашли на борт, ребенок начал плакать.
2.     No sooner had she got the job than the recession started.
Как только она получила работу, начался кризис.

Practice: Translate into Russian.

1.     Not only can people see the paintings, they can also meet the artist.
2.     Not only did I oversleep yesterday, but also the flight was delayed.
3.     Not only did she come home to late the, but she didn’t ask for an excuse.
4.     Not only did Kelly spill juice everywhere in the room, but she also broke her Granny’s china.
5.     Not only is my wife extremely beautiful, but she is also very smart.
7.     Not only was the house nice, but also seemed to be safe.
8.     Not only is David a good husband, but also an excellent father.
9.     Not only does Steven speak English, but also he knows Spanish well.

  • No sooner had I received her call, than I left for her place. (NOT No sooner I had received her call, …)
  • No sooner had she finished one project, than she started the next. (= As soon as she finished one project, she started the next.)
  • No sooner had I eaten the fish, than I started feeling sick. (= As soon as I ate the fish, I started feeling sick.)
  • No sooner had they completed the work, than they demanded the wages. (= As soon as they completed the work, they demanded the wages.)
  • No sooner had I gotten my bags unpacked than I realized that my camera was missing.
  • No sooner had he graduated, than he was on his way to America.
·         No sooner had I stepped out, than it started raining.


Модуль 4. S/b p. 44 Ex. 1-7 (письменно)

                  Advertising. Revision. Checking grammar and vocabulary.
                  Passive Voice (revision) (посмотреть для повторения граматики)
                  W/b p. 43, ex. 1-5 (письменно)

Class work

Ex. 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

1.     A: That’s a lovely shirt. Is it new?
B: Yes. It __________ (buy) for me be my grandmother last weekend.
2.     A: When do you have to have this report ready?
B: Well, it __________ (must / hand in) by Tuesday.
3.     A: Did you read the newspaper this morning?
B: No. It __________ (not / deliver) by the time I left for work.
4.     A: Where is your car?
B: At the garage. It ___________ (repair).
5.     A: Do you know your exam result yet?
B: No. They __________ (not / announce) yet.
6.     A: Are you going to make dinner tonight?
B: No. It ___________ (make) by Simon. He promised to do it.
7.     A: Have you finished your homework yet?
B: No, but it __________ (finish) by eight o’clock.
8.     A: Who waters your plants for you when you’re away?
B: They __________ (water) by my neighbor.

Ex. 2.  Turn from Active into Passive.

1.     An expert is restoring the antique car. ______________________________
2.     Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films. _________________
3.     The judge has fined him £ 300. ____________________________________
4.     A number of reporters will meet the professor at the airport. ___________
5.     A famous designer is going to redecorate the President’s house. _________
6.     The Romans founded Bath in the first century A. D. ___________________
7.     A nightmare woke Mary up. ______________________________________
8.     Muslims celebrate RAMADAN. ____________________________________
9.     Van Gogh painted “Sunflowers”. __________________________________
10. Astronauts are exploring space. __________________________________

Ex. 3. Turn the following into the Passive.

1.     I don’t like people shouting at me.  _________________________________
2.     I hate people startng at me. ______________________________________
3.     I don’t like people talking about me. _______________________________
4.     I hate people asking me questions. _________________________________
5.     I love people giving me flowers. ____________________________________
6.     They can’t stand people criticizing them. ____________________________
7.     She hates people keeping her waiting. ______________________________
8.     Having eaten the dessert, we went on to drink coffee. _________________
9.     She likes people complimenting her on her work. _____________________


Ex. 4. Rewrite the sentences in the passive, where possible.

1.     Her mother drives her to school every day. ___________________________
2.     Paul drives to work every day. _____________________________________
3.     I woke up late on Sunday morning. __________________________________
4.     Her mother woke her up at seven o’clock. ____________________________
5.     Sue asked the waiter to bring some water. ____________________________
6.     David asked for some help. ________________________________________
7.     Simon is moving house next month. _________________________________
8.     Michael moved the boxes out of the way. ____________________________
9.     Sandra walks on the beach regularly. ________________________________
10.The boys walk the dog every day. ___________________________________

Ex. 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form.

Last week a new leisure centre 1) __________ (open) in the town of Halden. The centre 2) __________ (believe) to be the largest in Europa and it 3) _________ (hope) that it 4) __________ (visit) by over 40, 000 people a month. The center 5) ___________ (plan) for over ten years. Unfortunately, it 6) __________ (not / finish) yet, but it 7) ____________ (think) that it 8) _____________ (complete) by next month. The centre includes an Olympic-size swimming pool and fifty tennis courts which 9)  __________ (can/book) by phone. The gym 10) __________ (claim) to be the most modern in the country. The equipment 11) ____________ (buy) in Germany and training 12) __________ (provide) by five top instructors. Entrance fees are cheap because half the cost 13) __________ (pay) by the local council, so many local people will be able to afford them.

Ex. 6. Fill in the Past Continuous Passive or Past Perfect Passive.

1.     They didn’t leave the restaurant until the bill ____________ (pay).
2.     I couldn’t go to my favourite café for a drink. It ______________ (redecorate).
3.     He _________________ (take) to the hospital when the ambulance crashed.
4.     The search was called off. The escaped criminal ____________ (find).
5.     When I looked for my television set I couldn’t find it. I had forgotten it ______ (repair).
6.     By the time I returned from work, my new washing machine ________ (deliver).
7.     I didn’t go to her party because I __________ (not / invite).

Ex. 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive or active tense.

Coffee 1) _________ (say) to originate from Kaffa in Ethiopia and most species of coffee plant 2) __________ (find) in the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere. The species which 3) _________ (think) to be the earliest coffee plant 4) __________ (ever / cultivate) by man is Coffea arabica. Today  it 5) __________ (grow) mostly in Latin America.
The coffee shrub 6) ___________ (reach) a height of 8-10 meters and 7) __________ (have) white scented flowers. It 8) ___________ (produce) a red fruit which 9) __________ (call) a cherry. The cherry 10) __________ (contain) two seeds which 11) _________ (join) together. These seeds, which 12) _________ (also / know) as beans, 13) _________ (first / roast) and then they 14) _________ (grind) to make coffee. The grounds 15) _________ (then / process) in a variety of different ways. Sometimes they 16) _________ (filter) and sometimes they 17) _________ (soak) in water to make the drink which is popular with so many people. Coffee is available as grounds or as instant coffee powder and 18) _________ (drink) by one third of the world’s population.


Запомните: I would rather = I would prefer = I would like


a)     Мы используем would prefer чаще всего, когда говорим о предпочтениях не в целом, а о том, чтобы вы предпочли в конкретной ситуации.

1.       I would prefer to do = I’d prefer to do — Я бы предпочел
  1. I’ d prefer to stay at home tonight. — Я бы предпочел остаться дома сегодня вечером.
При выражении отрицания надо добавить частицу not:
  1. Id prefer NOT to stay at home tonight. - Я бы предпочел НЕ остаться дома сегодня вечером.

b)     Сравниваем два действия.
Действующее лицо + would prefer + to действие + rather than + действие

1.       We would prefer to eat at home rather than eat at the restaurant. -  Мы предпочли бы поесть дома, чем в ресторане.
2.       He would prefer to dance alone rather than with her. - Он бы предпочел танцевать один, чем с ней.

c)      Задание на закрепление.  Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Она предпочитает ездить на поезде, чем летать на самолете.
2. Мы предпочитаем платить картой, чем платить наличными.
3. Ты предпочитаешь красное вино белому?
4. Они предпочитают жить в деревне, чем жить в городе.
5. Он предпочел бы смотреть футбол, чем чинить телевизор. 
6. Она предпочитает кататься на коньках, чем на лыжах?
7. Они предпочли бы минеральную воду соку.
8. Он предпочитает хоккей футболу?


a)      Мы используем would rather, когда ГОВОРИМ О СОБСТВЕННЫХ ПРЕДПОЧТЕНИЯХ В ДАННЫЙ КОНКРЕТНЫЙ МОМЕНТ. Однако в отличие от would prefer, где можно было рассказать о том, что мы, допустим, предпочли бы сейчас чай, а не кофе, would rather нельзя использовать с предметами. После с would rather всегда нужно поставить действие.

I would rather do = I’d rather do — Я лучше бы

1.       I would rather this cake.  I would prefer this cake. - Я бы предпочел этот пирог.
2.        I would rather eat this cake. - Я бы предпочел съесть этот пирог.
3.       I’d rather stay at home tonight. — Я бы лучше остался дома сегодня вечером.
При выражении отрицания надо добавить частицу not:
4.       I would rather NOT go out tonight. — Я предпочел бы НЕ выходить из дому сегодня вечером.

b)      ГОВОРИМ ПРО КОГО-ТО ДРУГОГО, используя would rather.
Would rather позволяет нам сообщать не только о том, что мы бы предпочли сделать сами, но и о своих пожеланиях касательно действий других людей! То есть, с помощью него мы можем сказать что-нибудь вроде: "Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты ушел". Предпочитаю "я", но уходишь "ты" :). Строится такая скрытая просьба следующим образом:

 Would rather + кто-то другой + глагол в прошедшем времени. (Past Simple -V2)


1.       I would rather you left now, sorry. -  Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты сейчас ушел, извини.
2.       I'd rather you called me later, please. -  Я бы предпочел, чтобы вы позвонили мне позже, пожалуйста.

При выражении отрицания:
I would rather + кто + didn't + первая форма глагола. (Past Simple – didn’t V1)


1.       I'd rather he didn't speak so loudly. -  Я бы предпочел, чтобы он не разговаривал так громко.
2.       We'd rather she didn't go out with that Tom guy. - Мы бы предпочли, чтобы она не встречалась с этим парнем по имени Том.
3.       We'd rather he wasn't here today. - Я бы предпочел, чтобы его здесь сегодня не было.


would rather можно использовать для краткого и вежливого отказа в ответ на чье-то предложение: I'd rather not ("Лучше нет", "Я бы этого не делал", "Я бы предпочел этого не делать".


1.       Would you like to go with us to the concert? Ты бы хотел пойти с нами на концерт? I'd rather not, sorry. I have an exam tomorrow. Мне бы лучше не ходить, извини. У меня завтра экзамен.
2.       Do you want a cup of coffee? Хочешь чашечку кофе? Thanks, but I'd rather not. Спасибо, но я бы не хотел.

d)      Задание на закрепление. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Я бы предпочел, чтобы они принесли завтрак в мой номер.
2. Я бы предпочел поехать на такси, а не на автобусе.
3. Я бы предпочел сегодня в спортзал не ходить. Я слишком устал.
4. Я бы предпочел, чтобы он не играл на пианино ночью.
5. Ты бы предпочел заказать суп или салат?
6. Я бы предпочел не оставлять здесь машину.
7. Он бы предпочел, чтобы мы его не беспокоили.
8. Она бы предпочла, чтобы мы позвонили ей позже.

Упражнения на Would like to/ Would prefer to/ Would rather

Упражнение 1. Скажите, что бы вы предпочли сделать. Используйте конструкцию I would like to и предлог instead of — вместо
Пример. James would like to read a book instead of working in the garden. — Джейс предпочел бы почитать книгу вместо того, чтобы работать в саду.
Комментарий: После предлога instead of ставится герундий — working
1. James/ read the book/ work in the garden.
2. Chris / play football /do one’s homework.
3. Jane and Mary / sunbathe/ clean up.
4. Laura / watch TB/ wash up.
5. Nick and Peter / ride one’s bicycles / play the computer.
6. Mr Robertson /drink tea /make a bird house.
7. Mrs Smith / talk over the phone / cook.
8. Irene / write a letter / go to work.
9. The children / swim / repair the car.
10. The dog / walk about the field / look through the window.
* * *
Упражнение 2. Теперь тоже самое упражнение выполните, используя конструкцию I’d prefer to …. rather than
Пример. James would prefer to read a book rather than work in the garden. — Джейс предпочел бы почитать книгу, а не работать в саду.
Комментарий: После rather than ставится инфинитив глагола без to — work

1. James/ read the book/ work in the garden.
2. Chris / play football /do one’s homework.
3. Jane and Mary / sunbathe/ clean up.
4. Laura / watch TB/ wash up.
5. Nick and Peter / ride one’s bicycles / play the computer.
6. Mr Robertson /drink tea /make a bird house.
7. Mrs Smith / talk over the phone / cook.
8. Ireen / write a letter / go to work.
9. The children / swim / repair the car.
10. The dog / walk about the field / look through the window.


Модуль 4. Advertising.
                  Video   An English Lesson About the Country of Canada
                  (watch and do the task)

Task: Watch the video and answer the following questions. Be ready to discuss the information from the video.

1.      Official language(s) ___________________________________
2.      When you buy any product in Canada, what language(s) is/are used to describe it. ____________________________________
3.      How do Canadians prefer to end their sentences? _________________________
4.      One of the most popular places where many Canadians go every morning _______________________________________________________________
5.      Population ___________________________________
6.      What is the most favourite part in Canada to live? Why?  _________________
7.      What do you know about money? ___________________________________
8.      Famous Canadian singers _________________________________________
9.      How is Canada divided up? ________________________________________
10.   Who is the leader of Canada? ______________________________________
11.   The capital of Canada ____________________________________________
12.   What do you know about the Canadian flag? __________________________
13.   The popular export product _______________________________________
14.   Sport: in winter _______________ / in summer _______________________
15.   Landscape features ______________________________________________
16.   The national animal(s) ___________________________________________
17.   Taxes / Medicine ________________________________________________
18.   The biggest export ______________________________________________
19.   Canadian’s largest trading partner __________________________________
20.   Would you like to live in Canada? Why? / Why not? ___________________


ZNO preparation.. (дополнительные материалы)   https://zno.osvita.ua/english/338/
                                 Listening. Conversations 1, 2 (describe what is happening there written)

14.02.2020  Happy Valentine's Day!

Listen to the song.
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

1. Listen to the song and identify 4 parts of the body and 5 adjectives.
Parts of the body: _________, _______, _______, ________.
 Adjectives: _________, ___________, ________,__________, ___________ .
2. Complete the song with the correct parts of the body and adjectives from the previous activity.
3. Find in the text:
a.   Some words to express frequency: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
b.   A verb expressing like or dislike: ______
c.    Some examples of verbs in the present simple tense, third person singular: ___________________________________________________
d.  Possessive adjectives: ________________________________
e.    Subject personal pronouns:___________________________
f.     Object personal pronouns: ___________________________

4. Do you like the song? , Why?

Oh, her____, her ____ make the stars look like they're not shinin'
Her___, her ____falls perfectly without her tryin'
She's so ________
And I tell her everyday

Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won't believe me
And it's so, it's so _____ to think that she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay?
I say

When I see your _____
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're _______

Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause girl, you're ________

Just the way you are
Her____, her_____, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh her laugh, she hates but I think it's so _____

She's so _________
And I tell her everyday

Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change
If _________'s what you're searching for, then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking if you look okay
You know I'll say

When I see your _____
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're ______

Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
'Cause girl, you're _______
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl, you're _________
Just the way you are

When I see your _______
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are

And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
'Cause girl, you're amazing
Just the way you are, yeah


  Ex. 1.   Fill in the sentences with the correct form (Past Perfect Continuous Tense) of the appropriate verb.
cry  date  drink  have   hitchhike   look   look   not dream   not listen   not make  
 not travel   not work   stand   talk   wait
1) Had he been drinking beer for days?
2) The Lees __________________________ for two days before they arrived.
3) Jim ____________________________ at the stars before he went to bed.
4) How long _____ the child _______________ before his dad picked him up?
5) You said James ____________________________ a phone call for an hour.
6) What _____ you ____________________ about before I came in?
7) They ____________________________ for 3 months before John asked her to marry him.
8) Sam ____________________________ for three hours before we met.
9) _____ he _______________ before he reached Los Angeles?
10) Caleb ____________________________ a shower for half an hour before the telephone rang.
11) Peter said he ____________________________ to our conversation.
12) How long _____ Evan _______________ for a job before he applied for this one?
13) After he __________________________ for Sally for two hours, he left.
14) Before Ken had a break he __________________________ for four hours.
15) John said he ____________________________ about Hawaii.

Ex.2. Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect. Choose the right option.

1) Last night,Irem’s boyfriend ……………….. the room while she was talking with another boy on the phone.
a)was entering                                    b)entered                                                  c)had entered
2) Can …………………… on the sofa when the baby started to cry.
a)had slept                                           b)slept                                                        c)was sleeping
3) World War 1 ……………………. when World War 2 began.
a)was already ending                         b)had already ended                               c)alreasy ended
4) Ece …………………….. the movie ‘Da Vinci Code’ at ten o’clock yesterday.
a)watched                                             b)was watching                                        c)had watched
5) The family last ……………... on a vacation in 2010.
a)was going                                           b)had gone                                                c)went
6) The crowd ………………. after the mayor had made his speech.
a)had cheered                                       b)was cheering                                          c)cheered
7) We …………… a huge,beautiful house when I was a child.
a)had                                                       b)were having                                           c)had had
8) Before the man ............. this job a year ago,he had graduated from university in 1999.
a)had found                                            b)found                                                      c)was finding
9) The girl ……………….. on her project while her mother was feding her baby sister.
a)worked                                                 b)had worked                                           c)was working
10) ……………… you at the meeting yesterday? I didn’t see you there.
a)Were                                                     b)Did                                                           c)Had been
11) By the time the police ……………… at the crime scene,the murderer …………………………… .
a)arrived/had already left                   b)had arrived/already left                  c)were arriving/already left
12) While I ……………………… yesterday morning,I ………………….. my friend Lisa.
a)was jogging/was seeing                      b)jogged/saw                                             c)was jogging/saw
13)Jane and Jim ………………. a baby soon after they ………………………… .
a)had/married.                                         b)had/had married.                                   c)had had/married.

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

I’ve got two workmates, Meg and Lucy. We’ve been friends for a long time. The week before the incident,  I …………………………………………. (think)1 very often about Meg. I ………………………….(wonder)2  what …………… (be) 3 wrong  with  her.  She ……………….  (seem) 4 so confused and inattentive the whole week! The day before yesterday she ………………. (say)5 she ……………………………………..(not feel)6 very well since the  weekend  because her fiancé ……………………… (not phone)7 or ………………………………… (e-mail)her. I …………………………….(suspect )……………………………………. (there be)10 something wrong because Tom, her fiancé, ………………………………………. (give)11 her much attention  after they …………………………………….. (decide)12 to get married .

Yesterday morning my husband ……………………… (leave) 13 me at the office a little too early. When I ………………… (enter)14 the  building,  Meg  ……………………. (be)15 at the reception. The receptionist ………………………  (tell)16  me  my friend …………………………………………………………… (cry and sob )17 since 6:30 a.m.!  I ………………………………………………  (try)18 to comfort her, but she ……………………….(keep)19 saying her fiancé …………………………………………….. (just-tell)20 her  over the phone, they would have to cancel their wedding because he …………………………………..  (fall)21 in love with somebody else.

To make a long story short, Lucy and I ended up inviting  Meg  to have lunch with us.  Up to that moment I  ………………………………………….. (not think)22  it ……………(be)23 a bad idea. As a matter of fact, it …………………… (be)! 24. Meg …………………………………. (insist)25 on going to  that restaurant! Who ………………………………………………………………
(she - plan)26 to meet the whole morning?  …………………… (she- intend) 27  she would see her ex-fiancé with his new girlfriend somewhere?

As soon as we entered the restaurant I ………………(see)28 Tom with a tall brunette at one of the tables. So, Meg …………… ……………………………(probably - know)29  she would meet them there. My friend ………………………………(decide)30 to confront her ex-fiancé and his girlfriend…   

Ex. 2. 

01.06.18     Listening ZNO-2018,           Демонстрационное аудирование

05. 04.18      Passive voice / Personal / Impersonal construction

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences. 
1.     It is expected that he will win the race tomorrow. He _______________________________
2.     It is thought that the school has good teachers. The school ___________________________
3.     It is said that she speaks seven languages. She ____________________________________
4.     It is believed that the missing  jewellery has been found. ____________________________
5.     It is thought that she is a talented pianist. She _____________________________________
6.     It is said that the athletes train for eight hours every day. ____________________________
7.     It is expected that the American team will break the world record. The American team ____
8.     It is known that she is hiding somewhere in the city. She ____________________________
9.     It is reported that the world leaders have reached an agreement. The world leaders _______
10.  It is reported that the thieves have escaped from prison. The thieves ___________________
11.  It is expected that they will give her the prize. She _________________________________

Ex.3. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive using personal and impersonal constructions, as in the example. 
1.     People say that she has millions in the bank.
It   is said (that) she has millions in the bank.
She   is said to have millions in the bank.
2.     The newscaster reported that the President resigned last night.
3.     People believe that an electrical problem caused the fire.
4.     Everyone thinks that he stole the money.
5.     People know that she has lived in many countries.
6.     People expect that he will win an award.

02.04.18    Reported Speech/ Introductory Verbs

Ex. 1. Complete the sentences. (15)
1.     “You should spend more time studying.”
The teacher advised ____________________________________________________
2.     “Don’t forget to lock the door before you leave.”
Sam reminded ________________________________________________________
3.     “I’m sorry I forgot to call you.”
Jim apologized _______________________________________________________
4.     “You never listen to me, Stuart.”
Mary complained _____________________________________________________
5.     “Shall we go bowling this evening?”
Mark suggested _______________________________________________________
6.     “You mustn’t play near the road.”
Father forbade ________________________________________________________
7.     “This man stole my wallet!”
Mr Brown accused ____________________________________________________
8.     “I’m the best basketball player in the school.”
Steve boasted ________________________________________________________
9.     “Yes, I took the letter.”
Claire admitted _______________________________________________________
10.   “You must stay for lunch, Sarah.”
Mrs Stamp insisted ____________________________________________________
11.  “Please, please, let me borrow your bicycle.”
Martin begged ________________________________________________________
12.  “Don’t touch the oven. It’s hot.”
Mother warned _______________________________________________________

Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with one of the introductory verbs form the list below in the Past Simple.16

             deny            suggest           boast           agree           insist           accuse           promise           
                              complain          advise           threaten        warn           remind

1.     “I’m the fastest runner on the team,” he said.
He _______________ about being the fastest runner on the team.
2.     “I didn’t take your jacket,” he said to her.
He _______________ taking her jacket.
3.     “You should go to the doctor’s,” Mum said to me.
Mum _______________ me to go to the doctor’s.
4.     “I’ll call you next week,” she said to him.
She _______________ to call him next week.
5.     “Yes, I’ll set the table for dinner,” he said to her.
He _______________ to set the table for dinner.
6.     “He always forgets my birthday,” she said.
She _______________ that he always forget her birthday.
7.     “Let’s go for a walk,” she said.
She ________________ going for a walk.
8.     “Leave, or I’ll shoot,” the man said to them.
The man _______________ to shoot them if they didn’t leave.
9.     “Don’t forget to feed the cat,” she said to him.
She ________________ him to feed the cat.
10.  “You broke my CD player,” she said to him.
She _______________ him of breaking her CD player.
11.  “Don’t go near the edge of the cliff,” Dad said to them.
Dad _______________ them not to go near the edge of the cliff.
12.  “You must do your homework before you go out,” she said to us.
She ________________ on us doing our homework before we went out.

Ex. 3. Turn the sentences into reported speech using an appropriate introductory verb. (17)

1.     “No, I won’t do your homework for you,” she said to me.
She refused to do my homework for me …
2.     “You lied to me,” Dennis told Ann.
3.     “I promise I won’t tell anyone your secret,” Tara said to Diana.
4.     “Don’t forget to post the letters,” Mum said to me.
5.     “I’m sorry I ruined your shirt,” Sarah told Frances.
6.     “No, I didn’t use Tim’s computer,” George said.
7.     “Don’t get too close too fire,” Mike said to the children.
8.     “Let’s have a party,” Simon said.
9.     “I’ll punish you if you behave badly,” Mum told the twins.
10.  “It was me who broke the vase,” she said.
11.  “Could use your phone, please?” David asked me.
12.  “Yes, I’ll help you with the washing-up,” Sandra told me.
13.  “Everyone stop talking!” Mr Jones told the class.
14.  “Please, please, don’t tell anyone about this,” he said to us.
15.  “You should go to the dentist’s,” she told her brother.
16.  “Children, sit down!” the school bus driver said.
17.  “Throw down your weapons!” the policeman said to the robbers.
18.  “No, you may not stay out late tonight,” Dad said to Louise.
19.  “You must wash your hands before eating dinner,” she told the children.

20.  “That’s the most beautiful necklace I’ve ever seen!” Amanda said.

Ex.4. First write the appropriate introductory verb then report the following situations. (207)
1.     “You should go to bed.”   __________  _________________________________________
2.     “Please, please don’t leave me.”  __________  ___________________________________
3.     “Do it now!”  _________  ___________________________________________________
4.     “No, I didn’t kill him.”  __________  __________________________________________
5.     “Oh, alright. I’ll do the washing-up.” __________  _______________________________
6.     “Don’t forget to take the dog out.”  __________  _________________________________
7.     “Everybody,  stand up now!”  __________  _____________________________________
8.     “No, I will not give you my money.”  __________  ________________________________
9.     “Could I use your phone?”  __________  ________________________________________
10.  “I’m sorry I shouted at you.”  __________  ______________________________________
11.  “I’ll punish you  if you don’t behave.”  ___________  ______________________________
12.  “It was me who stole the book.”  __________  ____________________________________
13.  “It only works if you press the green button.”  ________  ____________________________
14.  “You’re right. It was a brilliant film.”  __________  ________________________________
15.  “ I’ve been feeling dizzy all day.”  ___________  __________________________________
16.  “Of course I’ll write to you.”  __________  ______________________________________
17.  “I’ll give you a lift home, if you like.”  __________  _______________________________
18.  “Let’s go for a swim.”  __________  ____________________________________________
19.  “It was you who broke the TV.”  __________  ____________________________________
20.  “If I were you, I would tell them the truth.”  __________  ___________________________

 03/09/16     Do all these exercises in your copy book. (not the whole sentences)

Ex. 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present forms.
Dear Sal,
You’ll never guess where I 1) __________ (write) from. I 2) __________ (sit) on a bench on the shore of Lake Windermere! The air 3) __________ (smell) wonderful – so clean and fresh. I 4) __________ (stay) here for nearly a week now and I 5) __________ (expect) I’ll stay for one more, as I 6) __________ (begin) to fall in love with the place. Every morning I 7) __________ (get up) at 7 o’clock and 8) __________ (go) for a swim in the lake before breakfast. The owner of the hotel 9) ___________ (just/tell) me that I can borrow his boat for the afternoon. This holiday 10) ___________ (become) better and better as the days go by.
Well, I think I 11) ___________ (write) enough. I 12) ___________ (sit) here for half an hour and now it’s time for my boat trip.
See you,

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences using an appropriate past form.
In 1894 a steamship 1) ___________ (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean from England to America. The sun 2) __________ (shine) and a gentle breeze 3) __________ (blow). The ship 4) __________ (sail) for three weeks and was halfway to its destination – New York. The passengers 5) ___________ (relax) on deck when suddenly they 6) __________ (hear) a loud bang. They all 7) __________ (jump) up, 8) __________ (run) to the edge of the boat and 9) __________ (look) over the side. To their horror they saw that they 10) _________ (hit) some hard object which 11) _________ (tear) a hole in the side of the ship. Water 12) _________ (pour) into the steamship at an alarming speed. Fortunately another ship arrived half an hour later, just in time to save everyone on board.

Ex. 3. Turn from Active into Passive.
1.       The ancient Greeks built the Acropolis. ___________________________________________
2.       Martin is writing the company report this year. _________________________________________
3.       Somebody will clean the room tomorrow. ____________________________________________
4.       They put fresh flowers in the hotel rooms every day. _______________________________________
5.       Bad weather may delay your flight. ___________________________________________________
6.       They gave Sandy a present. ________________________________________________
7.       They think the President is dying. ____________________________________________________
8.       They made her cry. ____________________________________________________________
9.       The mechanic has repaired the car. ____________________________________________________
10.   The bomb destroyed the building. _______________________________________________________

Ex. 4. Translate the sentences into English.
1.       Я убираю в комнате с утра.
2.       Как только уроки закончились, мы пошли в кино.
3.       Мама смотрела фильм уже пол часа, когда свет погас.
4.       Если будет дождь, мы останемся дома.
5.       Наши соседи собираются навестить нас сегодня вечером.
6.       Поезд прибывает в 7. Я встречаю моих родителей сегодня.
7.       Если бы у нас была машина, мы могли бы много путешествовать.
8.       Он сказал мне, что мой друг в опасности.
9.       Кейт спросила меня, который час.
10.   Вероятно, они прочитали эту книгу раньше.

Video lesson: Conditionals. You can watch it to revise you grammar.
Conditionals. 1st, 2nd, 3d.

05.09.16     Conditionals
Ex. 1. Choose and write zero conditional sentences.
The . . . Wet Quiz
Becomes ice,     heat water,     not drink enough water,     boil water,     they die,    heat ice
1.       If you ______________ to 100°C, it boils.
2.       If you freeze water, it ______________ .
3.       If you ______________, it melts.
4.       If you ______________, you feel dizzy.
5.       If you water some plants every day, _________ .
6.       If you ______________, it becomes steam.   

Ex. 2. Write the sentences in the first conditional.
1.       I / have/ time/  -  I /read a magazine   __________________________________________________________
2.       You/ charge/ the batteries  -  the camera/ work  _________________________________________________
3.       It/ snow  -  they/cancel/ the game ____________________________________________________________
4.       He /tell/ the truth  -  he/ feel better ___________________________________________________________
5.       We/ not go now  -  we/ be late for dinner  ______________________________________________________
6.       I / come/ with you  -  you/ buy me/ lunch _______________________________________________________
7.       She / not pass/ the exam  -  be/ upset  _________________________________________________________
8.       The dog / need/ to go for a walk  - you/ take / it  _________________________________________________
9.       The car/ not start  -  we/ take a taxi  ___________________________________________________________
10.   You/ like/ chocolate  -  you/ love/ these biscuits _________________________________________________

Ex. 3. Write the sentences in the second conditional.
1.       If/ he/ see/ me now, he/ not recognize/me. (might) ____________________________________________
2.       I / be/ happier/ if / I / live/ in the country. (would) ______________________________________________
3.       You/ write/ a book/ if/ you/ want to/ (could) __________________________________________________
4.       If/ I /find/ a taxi right now, I / be/ on time. (might) ______________________________________________
5.       If/ they/ be/ rich, they/ travel/ round the world. (would) _________________________________________
6.       He/ not be/ so miserable/ if/ he/ not work/ so hard. (might) ______________________________________
7.       If/ we/ take/ time off work, we/ go/ away. (could) ______________________________________________
8.       If/ she/ not moan/ so much, people/ like/ her better. (might) _____________________________________

Ex. 4.  Complete the sentences in the third conditional.
jump on,     win the game,     be able to call us,     take so long,     have nothing to eat,     follow the directions,   not like your present,   checked my essay

1.       If they had played better, they _________________________________________________________
2.       If she ______________________________more carefully, she would have found the right place.
3.       If I hadn’t brought some sandwiches, we _________________________ .
4.       The train would have left without me if I __________________________ at the last minute.
5.       If he hadn’t forgotten to charge his mobile, he ________________________ /
6.       The project _____________________  if we had worked on it together.
7.       If he _______________________________, he would have changed it.
8.       If I ________________________________ before I gave it to the teacher, I would have been able to correct the spelling errors.

Video lesson: Reported Commands/ Request/ Suggestions. You can watch it to revise you grammar.
Reported Speech
Reported questions
(To report commands, request, suggestions we use a reporting verbs (order, ask, tell, advise, offer, warn, beg, suggest) followed by to – infinitive or not to – infinitive.)

Ex. 1. Report what Mrs Lane told her babysitter to do.
1.       Don’t answer the door to anyone! _________________________________________________________
2.       Phone me if there’s an emergency! ________________________________________________________
3.       Don’t let the children eat any sweets! ______________________________________________________
4.       Send the children to bed at 9 o’clock! ______________________________________________________
5.       Give the children a bath before they go to bed! ______________________________________________
6.       Don’t take the dog into the children’s bedroom! ______________________________________________
7.       Close all the windows! __________________________________________________________________
8.       Put the toys away in the  cupboard! ________________________________________________________

Reported statements
(To report statements we use a reporting verb (say, tell, advise, explain, promise etc.) followed by a that- clause. In spoken English that may be omitted. When the reporting verb is in the Past the verb tenses change .)

Ex. 2. Report what the guests said at a wedding last Sunday.
1.       They’ll make a lovely couple.
2.       They’re going to live in Brighton .
3.       The bride and the groom are very nice young people.
4.       The bride is wearing a beautiful wedding dress.
5.       The couple’s parents look happy.
6.       The bride’s father has bought them a big flat.

Reported questions.
(To report a wh-question, we use    ask    followed by the question word (who, what, etc. ) When there is no question word in the direct questions,   if  or  whether is used in Reported questions. Pronouns, possessive adjectives, tenses , time expressions etc. change as in statements.)

Ex. 3. Report the police-officer’s questions to the shop owner.
1.       What’s your name?  ____________________________________________________________________
2.       Did you see the robbers?  ________________________________________________________________
3.       What were they wearing?  _______________________________________________________________
4.       How do you think they got in? _____________________________________________________________
5.       What did they take?  ___________________________________________________________________
6.       Has this ever happened before?  __________________________________________________________

Ex. 4. Turn from direct speech into reported speech. 
1.       “I’ve finished all my work,” she said. ________________________________________________________
2.       “Why are you looking at me like that? She asked him. __________________________________________
3.       “Don’t play with matches, “ his mother said.  _________________________________________________
4.       “I’ve forgotten to bring my lunch with me,” he said.  ____________________________________________
5.       “Will you be home soon?”  she asked her husband. ____________________________________________
6.       “Go to bed!”  Father said to the children.  ____________________________________________________
7.       “I’ll clean the car tomorrow,” Tim said to his father.  ____________________________________________
8.       “Where have you been?” Gary asked his wife. __________________________________________________
9.       “I’ve been working for the same company since 1960,” he said to me. _______________________________
“Do you know Garfield?” she asked me.  _____________________________________________________ 


Ex. 1. Identify the tenses in bold, then match them to the correct tense use.

1.       It’s cold. I’ll take a coat with me.                       A. plans/intentions
2.       I think it’ll rain tomorrow.                                   B. fixed future
3.       I’m going to start at my new school                  C. on-the-sport decisions
next week.
4.       I’m playing golf with Paul tomorrow.                D. predictions

Ex. 2. Fill in   will or  am going to.
1.       A: Sheila is thirty minutes late.
B: I think I ______________ give her a call.
2.       A: Your shirt is dirty.
B: I know. I ______________ wash it.
3.       A: Would you like tea or coffee?
B: Oh, I ____________ have a cup of tea, please. 
4.       A: The grass needs cutting.
B: I know. I _____________ cut it tomorrow.
5.       A: Have you  decided which dress to buy?
B: Yes, I _____________ buy the red one.

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with will,  be going to or Present Continuous.
1.       Susan _____________ (go) to the hairdresser’s tomorrow. She ‘s already made an appointment.
2.       I’m very tired. I think I ________________ (go) to bed.
3.       I ____________ (see) my dentist on Friday afternoon.
4.       There are dark clouds in the sky. It ____________ (rain).
5.       I expect he ____________ (agree) with our suggestions.
6.       A: There is a coffee stain on the carpet.
B: I know. I ____________ (clean) it with a special detergent.
7.       I hope the children ____________ (enjoy) the party.
8.       She ____________ (meet) her lawyer at the beginning of next week.
9.       A: Has David started his homework?
B: Not yet. He _____________ (start) it in a minute.
10.   I ______________ (call) you this evening about our plans for tomorrow.
11.   I ______________ (go) to meet my friends in the park later this afternoon.
12.   A: Isn’t that Amanda, over there?
B: Yes. She ______________ (go) to the music school for her piano lesson.

Ex. 4. Put the verbs in brackets into Present S., Present Cont. or be going to.
1.       John is a student. He usually ______________ (study) very hard. He ______________ (study) Ancient History now. He ______________ (study) Modern History next year.
2.       Julie and Ted often _____________ (climb) mountains. They _____________ (climb) Snowdon at the moment. They ______________ (climb) the Eiger next summer.
3.       Mother ______________ (bake) a cake now. She _______________ (bake) cakes every Saturday. Next Saturday she ______________ (bake) a beautiful one for my birthday party.

Ex. 5. Translate into English.
1.       Они собираются поехать в Европу в следующем году.
2.       Лена, привет! Ты сделала задание по экономике?  - Нет. А какое? Я сделаю его сейчас.
3.       Самолет прилетает завтра утром. Ты встречаешь свою семью?
4.       Он очень способный парень. Он поступит в университет.
5.       Когда своя сестра собирается праздновать день рожденья?

6.       Я думаю что мы построим новый дом на острове. 

Test for revision  (11 form)

Ex. 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present form.
1.       A: Linda _______________ (learn) to drive at the moment.
B: I know. She told me last week.
2.       A: Do you want to have a break now?
B: Not yet. I _______________ (write) a report for tomorrow’s meeting.
3.       A: It’s ten o’clock. Have you given the manager his letter?
B: Yes, and I ________________ (also/type) six reports so far this morning.
4.       A: Is Jeff still in the garden?
B: Yes. He _______________ (plant) flowers all afternoon.
5.       A: That author is very well-known, isn’t she?
B: Yes. She _______________ (write) twenty novels so far.
6.       A: You look very happy today.
B: I am. I _______________ (just/hear) some good news.
7.       A: What time _______________ (the play/ start) tonight?
B: Seven o’clock, I think.
8.       A: Are you new to this company?
B: Not really. In fact, I _______________ (work) here for almost two years.
9.       A: Are  you ready for the concert?
B: Yes. I ________________ (practice) for weeks.
10.   A: Do you do any exercise at all?
B: Yes. Actually, I ______________ (go) swimming three times a week.

Ex. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
A: When Simon 1) _______________ (arrive) at the cinema, dozens of people 2) _____________ (queue) outside. They 3) ______________ (wait) to see the same film as Simon. Simon, however, 4) _______________ (buy) a ticket in advance, so he 5) _______________ (walk) straight to the front of the queue and 6) _______________ (enter) the cinema. He 7) _______________ (feel) relieved that he didn’t have to queue. He 8) _______________ (reach) his seat just as the light 9) _______________ (go down) for the start of the film.
B: Last weekend, Cathy 1) ______________ (hire) a car and 2) _______________ (drive) to the seaside. When she 3) ______________ (arrive) the wind 4) ________________ (blow) and the sky 5) ______________ (be) cloudy. She 6) _______________ (get out) of the car and 7) ______________ (take) a walk along the seafront. Then she 8) _______________ (decide) to go for fish and chips at a nearby restaurant that she 9) ____________ (see) earlier and liked the look of. By the time she 10) _______________ (leave) the restaurant, it 11) ______________ (already/
grow) dark. As she 12) _______________ (walk) to her car it 13) _______________ (begin) to rain. However, Cathy 14) _______________ (not/mind) because she 15) _______________ (have) a wonderful day.

Ex. 3. Fill in the   future simple   or   be going to.
1.       A: Have you finished your essay yet?
B: No, but I’m sure I _____________ (finish) it on time.
2.       A: I have decided what to wear for the party.
B: Really? What ______________ (you/ wear), then?
3.       A: Why do you need hot soapy water?
B: Because I _____________ (wash) the car.
4.       A: Did you post those letters?
B: No, I forgot. I ______________ (post) them this afternoon.
5.       A: Did you book a table at the restaurant?
B: Yes, but I don’t expect it _______________ (be) busy.
6.       A: I’m hungry.
B: Me too. I ______________ (make) us something to eat.

Ex. 4. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent where possible.
1.       Do they sell clothes in the shop? _________________________________________________________
2.       Someone is cleaning the windows. ________________________________________________________
3.       She tapped him on the hand with her pen. __________________________________________________
4.       People spend a lot of money on food. ______________________________________________________
5.       Grandfather is going to tell the children a story. ______________________________________________
6.       The teacher will mark the essays. __________________________________________________________

Ex. 5. Turn the following sentences into reported speech.
1.       “Where are you going?” she said to them.
2.       “I’m going shopping,” said Anna.
3.       “Go away!” said his friend.
4.       She asked me, “Are you ready to leave?”
5.       I’ll pick you up at five o’clock, “ he said to her.
6.       “When did you arrive?” asked Marilyn.

Ex. 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1.       A: If you ______________ (pass) a bakery, ______________ (you/buy) some bread, please?
B: Yes, of course. How much do you need?
2.       A: Did you invite Tim to the party?
B: No, but when I ______________ (speak) to him, I ______________ (invite) him.
3.       May I go out now, please?
B: Yes, provided you _____________ (do) your homework.
4.       A: Mum seems very busy at the moment.
B: If I were  you, I ______________ (offer) to help her.
5.       A: Unless you _____________ (work) hard, you ______________ (fail) the exam.
B: I know. I’ve been studying every evening.
6.       A: If I ______________ (not/buy) that lottery ticket, I ______________ (never/win) all this money!
B: I know. Isn’t it amazing! 

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